
One trillion trees is not enough to solve climate change...

One trillion trees is not enough to solve climate change  Fauquier Times

David Bange: Real costs of adapting to climate change -...

David Bange: Real costs of adapting to climate change  La Crosse Tribune

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Climate change is drying up the Colorado River - Ars Technica

Climate change is drying up the Colorado River  Ars Technica

U.S. Caves to Europe Over Broaching Climate Change at G-20...

U.S. Caves to Europe Over Broaching Climate Change at G-20  Bloomberg

What Machiavelli would do about climate change - The Washington...

What Machiavelli would do about climate change  The Washington Post

G20 agrees on final communique with reference to climate...

G20 agrees on final communique with reference to climate change  Reuters

Climate Change, Global Tax Emerge as Snags for G-20 Communique...

Climate Change, Global Tax Emerge as Snags for G-20 Communique  Bloomberg

A quarter of all tweets about climate change are produced...

A quarter of all tweets about climate change are produced by bots  Grist

Don't leave climate change to the bosses - The Times

Don't leave climate change to the bosses  The Times

Sanders' drastic climate policies are not the fastest way...

Sanders' drastic climate policies are not the fastest way to address climate change  The Dallas Morning News