
Letter | Council had plenty of time to avoid this water...

Letter | Council had plenty of time to avoid this water crisis  Western Advocate

‘Baby Shark Live,’ Star Wars fan film, plant eaters’ meeting...

‘Baby Shark Live,’ Star Wars fan film, plant eaters’ meeting and more to do in mid-Michigan

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Political battle drains coastal taps - Mail and Guardian

Political battle drains coastal taps  Mail and Guardian

One U.S. State May Look at Insurers’ Fossil Fuel Investments...

One U.S. State May Look at Insurers’ Fossil Fuel Investments and Underwriting to Combat Climate Change  Insurance Journal

National Weather Service looking for volunteer observers...

National Weather Service looking for volunteer observers in R.I.  The Providence Journal

Paper That Blames The Sun For Climate Change Was Just Retracted...

Paper That Blames The Sun For Climate Change Was Just Retracted From Major Journal  ScienceAlert

'Fate of the Earth': discussing environmental challenges...

'Fate of the Earth': discussing environmental challenges  MSUToday

University of Detroit Mercy Hosts Symposium on Race, Class...

University of Detroit Mercy Hosts Symposium on Race, Class and Environmental Justice  WDET

Disappearing beaches: Climate change could wipe out half...

Disappearing beaches: Climate change could wipe out half of the world's sandy shorelines

Govt moves ahead to grant industry status for farming -...

Govt moves ahead to grant industry status for farming  Deccan Herald