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Climate change is the worst. Here's just how bad it got this year. Livescience.com
SCIENCE NOTEBOOK | More Efficient Quantum Computing, Aggressive Lowering of BP of...
New method detects human fecal contamination in water News-Medical.Net
With big cash prizes at stake—and AI supercharging research—interspecies translation...
In 2024, climate crisis exposed people to extra 6 weeks of heat NewsBytes
Your physical and mental well-being are crucial—but the picture isn’t complete if...
'Dangerous new era': Climate change spurs disaster in 2024 Phys.org
Tropical Storm Kristine: Here's where you can send monetary, in-kind donations GMA...
Climate Change Is Forcing Towns Around The World To Evacuate — Permanently Worldcrunch
America’s historic hydroelectric dam, 100 years later: It’s causing something “strange” ECOticias.com