In 'The Water Dancer,' Ta-Nehisi Coates imagines a magical...
In 'The Water Dancer,' Ta-Nehisi Coates imagines a magical means to freedom Los Angeles TimesThe best writers — the best...
Chinese scientists recognised for water-saving irrigation...
Chinese scientists recognised for water-saving irrigation technology South China Morning PostIt allows farmers in arid...
Young scientists study microplastics, phone radiation,...
Young scientists study microplastics, phone radiation, to earn spots at int'l fair CBC.caA couple of Yukon high school...
UAE trials new nano-technology to make cloud seeding more...
UAE trials new nano-technology to make cloud seeding more effective What's On DubaiThe UAE's official weather forecaster...
Was hellish hothouse Venus once a temperate planet covered...
Was hellish hothouse Venus once a temperate planet covered in water? Digital TrendsIt sounds outlandish, but according...
Smoking abstinence doesn't really make us want to eat more...
Smoking abstinence doesn't really make us want to eat more Futurity: Research NewsSmoking abstinence doesn't have that...
NOAA is sending a plane to research Hurricane Jerry - KFDM-TV...
NOAA is sending a plane to research Hurricane Jerry KFDM-TV NewsAn airplane from NOAA is flying down to St. Croix, U. S....
Cannabis findings presented in Mendocino County by Berkeley’s...
Cannabis findings presented in Mendocino County by Berkeley’s Cannabis Research Center Ukiah Daily JournalOne knows times...
Princeton researchers find microbe that chews through PFAS,...
Princeton researchers find microbe that chews through PFAS, other tough contaminants WaterWorldIn a series of lab tests,...
SIUE secures $100000 EPA award to improve water quality...
SIUE secures $100000 EPA award to improve water quality AdVantageNEWS.comNew initiative aims to increase knowledge about...