
Sunken summits - Science Magazine

Sunken summits  Science MagazineIn late 2016, scientists aboard the U.K. research ship James Cook arrived 500 kilometers...

Researchers have Found Microplastics are Harming our Drinking...

Researchers have Found Microplastics are Harming our Drinking Water  The Sentinel AssamLondon: Researchers have found plastics...

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Growing CSU-led consortium addressing 21st century water...

Growing CSU-led consortium addressing 21st century water challenges  SourceColorado State University is part of the Irrigation...

Source water key to bacterial water safety in remote Northern...

Source water key to bacterial water safety in remote Northern Australia  EurekAlertIn the wet-dry topics of Australia, drinking...

Tougher arsenic standard shows desired effect: Public's...

Tougher arsenic standard shows desired effect: Public's drinking water is safer  EurekAlertToughening the federal standard...

Cheap water treatment - EurekAlert

Cheap water treatment  EurekAlertThere's nothing new in treating water by sorption of organic solvents such as trichloroethylene...

UAF reindeer herd moved to Delta for increased meat market...

UAF reindeer herd moved to Delta for increased meat market as research focus changes  Fairbanks Daily News-MinerAll but...

SMCC Marine Science Department participates in coastal...

SMCC Marine Science Department participates in coastal research  Press HeraldSOUTH PORTLAND — Southern Maine Community College...

Barramundi fail to breed in Daly River as researchers report...

Barramundi fail to breed in Daly River as researchers report 'lowest catch on record'  ABC NewsWhere have all the barra...

Hubble space telescope finds water vapor on ‘Super-Earth’...

Hubble space telescope finds water vapor on ‘Super-Earth’ exoplanet  Digital TrendsNASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered...