
Trying to Plant a Trillion Trees Won't Solve Anything

We’re not going to stop climate change with just seedlings and fancy agriculture. We also need to reduce emissions.

Kincade Fire: The Age of Flames Is Consuming California...

Yet another massive wildfire is ravaging Northern California. Welcome to the Pyrocene—think of it like the Ice Age, but with fire.

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Big's Backyard Ultra and the Rise of Women Endurance Stars

Maggie Guterl is the first woman to win the Big's Backyard Ultra, an endurance running race so twisted and extreme it's in a class...

A Health Care Algorithm Offered Less Care to Black Patients

A study shows the risks of making decisions using data that reflects inequities in American society.

How an Algorithm Favored Whites Over Blacks for Health...

A study shows the risks of making decisions using data that reflects inequities in American society.

We Should Just Build Giant Telescopes ... in Space

Launching a huge observatory poses big risks, so scientists are plotting a new approach: Send it up in pieces, then have robots put...

Why Did Oklahoma’s Sooner Schooner Tip Over?

A physicist explains how a touchdown celebration went awry and offers some advice for future designers of covered wagons.

NASA Wants to Send a Probe to the Hellish Surface of Venus

The longest a spacecraft has survived on Earth's "evil twin" is just 127 minutes. Now NASA is building one to last 60 days.

Technology Will Keep Us From Running Out of Stuff

Opinion: Such dire warnings ignore the force of capitalism and technological progress, what Abraham Lincoln called "the fuel of interest...

NASA's Biggest Telescope Yet, Facebook's 2020 Plan, and...

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