
Does the FDA Even Regulate E-Cigs? Actually Kinda Not

That’s why all those weird, possibly toxic flavorings are allowed—and the lax regulatory environment goes back a century.

Richard Stallman and the Fall of the Clueless Nerd

The controversial pioneer of free software resigned from MIT over his remarks on Jeffrey Epstein and Marvin Minsky. Stallman won’t...

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Don't Storm Area 51, Begs the Webmaster of the UFO Kingdom

Joerg Arnu loves the secretive military base, documents it on an exhaustive fan site, and wants people to visit—just not all at once.

Got What It Takes to Compete in Speed Climbing?

Let's compute the power output required to sprint up a vertical wall.

Why We Need Brain Scan Data Guidelines

Opinion: Aided by AI, brain scans know your past and future as well as your DNA. Determining their ethical implications is vital to...

The First Hurricane Relief Drone Was Ready to Fly—Then...

A drone company on Great Abaco, in the Bahamas, was prepared to deliver emergency supplies if the hurricane struck. Dorian had other...

James Cameron, Victor Vescovo, and the Saga of the Deepest*...

Vescovo says he dove deeper than Cameron. Cameron says not so fast. Perhaps only Poseidon knows for sure.

A Buzzkill Physics Discovery, a Deadly Miracle Drug, and...

Catch up on the most important news from today in two minutes or less.

Physicists Finally Nail the Proton’s Size, and Hope Dies

A new measurement seems to eliminate an anomaly that has captivated physicists for nearly a decade.

How Rich Donors Like Epstein (and Others) Undermine Science

MIT’s Media Lab, Harvard, Stanford, hospitals—they all take money from donors. Whether it's to truly help the world, or merely burnish...