
The Myth of Processed Foods, an Amazon Walkout, and More...

Catch up on the most important news from today in two minutes or less.

Unusual Fluids Flip, Twirl, and Redefine How Liquids Work

New shape-shifting liquids can move or morph on command. One scientist even used them to make liquid cables for his headphones.

Buy WATER H2O Coin

Let's All Just Chill About Processed Foods

Processed foods are bad for you, right? So super-processed, plant-based meat must be terrible, right? Not so fast on either count.

Are We All Wrong About Black Holes?

A philosopher of science worries that the analogy between black holes and thermodynamics has been stretched too far.

Is It OK to Change Hurricane Forecasts With a Sharpie Doodle?

A physicist wades into the dreaded "cone of uncertainty" surrounding White House weather advisories.

A Moon Landing Goes Awry, Apple Opens Up on iOS Hacks,...

Catch up on the most important news from today in two minutes or less.

India’s Moon Landing May Be Doomed

The Indian Space Research Organization says it lost contact with its lunar lander shortly before touchdown.

How to Rip a Crazy Skateboard Loop With Physics

All you need is some topsy-turvy force analysis and this simple equation.

India’s Chandrayaan-2 Is Ready to Touch Down Near the Moon’s...

If successful, India will become the fourth country to put a lander on lunar soil. The spacecraft will then collect data on the south...

Retreat? *Pish*. Democrats Dare Not Speak Climate Change's...

Canadians call the abandonment of coasts and floodplains a “strategic retreat.” American politicians call it literally anything else...